Sunday, January 22, 2012

Archibald Ormsby-Gore and some other beings.

Oberon with Eve

The radio was playing when it suddenly caught my attention. Think it must have been Radio4 and some faux-comedy quiz show or something like that. It seems that Archibald Ormsby-Gore was the former poet Laureate Sir John Bentjeman's constant companion along with Jumbo. There was even a poem and and a book about Archie - you can see the book here - I'd just love to read a copy of that it looks so lovely and just the sort of thing that would calm my mind before sleep - in addition to my meditation.

I mean, last night I dreamt of two pet tigers wandering round a cafe while children playing on the floor. One tiger took my hand in it's mouth. I slowly extracted it which seems like it was a good idea because in no time there was a kerfuffle outside and one of the tigers had eaten a small pet dog. No-one was very pleased I can tell you.

I'm off the Camomile tea now you'll be pleased to hear - now back on the green stuff.

Oberon is always hanging about, no doubt keeping his eye [he only has one] on Jingles [aka Smeller] who is Eve's long-time companion. Lord Wiesmier, the regalled up rabbit of this parish, former Pirate and soon to be King of all he surveys [which isn't much as it happens] keeps order.

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