Sad but true; this snap taken in Bridlington during 2006 with the old 6x9 Voigtlander RF is my most 'interesting' and most viewed and most favourited image on my Flickr thing.
I was inspired to seek this out after reading Mr Windy's post of the same nature.
I was amazed that the most recent image to make it into the top 10 most 'interesting' is this image, now hanging in the Oiseval Gallery at the mo. Which by the way is closing for October to give The Coelynes a break and will re-open in November.
Pin-hole on Garry Beach, Tolsta.
Made with the home-made Fruit-Pastel pinhole camera and printed on Oriental Seagul paper with Lith. Eh? Proper camera stuff an all ! Peoples seem to love the blur thing too!
the simplest images say the most
it is simply fabulous...
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