Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday; the new Friday

I have been remiss in that my pointing out of Artists of the photographic type have not appeared on here for a while after my earlier little series. So, here is another.

Bruce Davidson. A sometime Magnum photographer of the traditional documentary type. Did some wonderful work in England in the 1960s. Hard to believe I was around in England during that time - but I was!

Bruce Davidson - Magnum

I mean, how good is that? Eh. The sort of photogtraphising I really like - apart from the movement stuff - obviously. Go and search his work out. Well worth the time.


John said...

Nice one. My idea of heaven would be a Bruce Davidson and Tony Ray-Jones permanent exhibition 10 minutes down the road. Oh, with a Wiesmier show en-route, of course.

Graham Edwards said...

Well there goes another chunk of my life. Some of his compositions and captured expressions are brilliantly simple and complicated at the same time.